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Olympic Weight Plates & Weight Storage

For your most intense workout yet, push your limits with our commercially graded Olympic weightlifting sets in a gym or home gym. For the serious lifters, a variety of exercises can be performed with our extensive range of Olympic barbells and high quality Olympic weight plates. Most commonly found in commercial gyms, our 50mm Olympic weights will have you performing at your peak.

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Olympic Weight Plates & Weight Storage FAQ

Olympic’ and ‘standard’ are the two main categories of weight plate, and have important technical differences that make them suitable to different users.

An important distinction between the two is their compatibility with certain bars. Olympic and standard weight plates will have different size centre holes through bars will be fitted. Standard weight plates are designed to a 25mm standard bar, while Olympic plates are designed for a 50mm Olympic bar. This means that you’ll have to use corresponding bars depending on which plates you’re using.

Olympic weight plates are commonly used in professional weight lifting competitions, and as such are required to be commercial grade with standardised measurements. These measurements are set by the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) to meet the requirements of competitive events. This is also the reason why Competition bumper plates will come in specific colours, as these are also mandated by the IWF, and are an internationally recognised colour coding system.

CORTEX Olympic plates have a steel ring to allow for seamless loading on and off of barbells. Competition plates will have a larger steel core than bumper plates to provide extra protection for drops. Competition Olympic plates are made with a high-quality PolyUrethane coating, designed to reduce bounce back and endure high intensity usage. If you plan on using your plates for any exercise that may involve dropping the weights, you’ll want something like the Olympic bumper plate. This is an important distinction, as a pair of standard weight plates won’t be able to bounce like Olympic plates, and so can’t be dropped. These will range in weight from 2.5kg weight plates, to 20kg Olympic weight plates. CORTEX standard plates, on the other hand, are made with heavy-duty cast iron, with an EnduraShell PVC coating around a cement filling.

Standard weight plates are better suited to lighter increment exercises and as free weights, benefiting those who don’t necessarily have long term goals of accelerating to higher weight increments. Remember that standard weight plates can’t be dropped, and so are more appropriate for lower-impact workouts and smaller home-gym setups. Olympic plates will be for those wanting to improve their weightlifting, who are either at or working towards those higher increments.

If you plan to use your Olympic weight plates with a bar, such as a dumbbell or barbell, it’s important to understand the compatibility of your plates with the bars you’re using.

Olympic bars will have a standardised diameter of 50mm, so the centre hole diameter of an Olympic weight plate will be slightly larger than 50mm to accommodate the bar. This is different to a standard plate which will accommodate a 25mm bar.

This specification is due to the use of competition-grade Olympic weight plates in professional weightlifting competitions, and the standards set by the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF). Olympic bars a built to withstand a greater amount of stress, both in their weight capacity and their tolerance to high-intensity usage.

Always take a second to check what you’re working with to make sure you’re using the correct equipment, ensuring that you’ll have a safe, comfortable workout.

Olympic Weight Plates & Weight Storage

Whether you’re an experienced trainer looking to step up your weightlifting game, or just starting to integrate weights into your workout, an Olympic weight plate set offers a premium experience, setting you up to have the best weight training workout. As suggested by the name, Olympic plates are the higher-grade option when it comes to weight plates, and are typically constructed with materials of greater quality and design. However, this doesn’t mean that an Olympic weight plate set is purely the domain of serious weightlifters, as there is a lot the average user can get out of using good quality plates. CORTEX’s Olympic range features a variety of options to suit most users, including cheap Olympic weight plates, and sizes ranging from 1.25kg weight plates, to 25kg Olympic weight plates.

A popular form of Olympic plate are competition weight plates, which are commonly used in professional powerlifting, and as such are required to be commercial grade with standardised measurements. These measurements are set by the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) to meet the requirements of competitive events. This is also the reason why Competition bumper plates will come in specific colours, as these are an internationally recognised colour coding system mandated by the IWF. A useful option for when you’re using plates by themselves is one with a tri-grip design, which have three gaps along the rim of the plate for a comfortable grip. Not only does this make independent use much easier and smoother, but also makes for a more fluid experience when loading the plates onto and off of bars or gym stations.

Size will also a consideration that will vary depending on the type of Olympic plate. Competition plates will be thinner to allow for your more to be loaded onto a bar, and along with bumper plates will maintain the same size regardless of weight. Tri-Grip plates, on the other hand, will vary in size according to its weight, with heavier plates being larger, making them more suited to free weight exercises.

Outside of full competition-grade bumper plates, CORTEX also have their black series bumper plates, which are comparatively cheap Olympic weight plates. These plates are built with high density rubber to create extra protection for your floors, walls and workout area. The Black Series bumper plates are perfect for compound lifts such as deadlifts, clean and jerk, snack and jerk variations. These start at 5kg up to 25kg, and have a regulation diameter of 450mm.

For a more comprehensive breakdown of Olympic barbells, click here.

Olympic plates also have a steel ring to allow for seamless loading on and off of barbells. Competition plates will have a larger steel core than bumper plates to provide extra protection for drops. Competition Olympic plates are made with a high-quality PolyUrethane coating, designed to reduce bounce back and endure high intensity usage. This high-quality rubber reduces the wait time for the plates to settle for the next set, allowing for a smoother experience. The more controlled landing of this type of plate reduces unpredictable bounces, making them less likely to lead to accidents or damages, especially when working in a small space. If you plan on using your plates for any exercise that may involving dropping the weights, you’ll want to be using Olympic bumper plates.

Weight plates have the great advantage of being highly adaptable to many different training modalities and provide a great number of benefits outside of just building and maintaining muscle. This diversity means that there are almost an endless number of exercises that can be performed with a simple set of weight plates, depending on what muscle groups you want to target, and your own individual fitness goals. Use them for functional strength training, building muscle or for adding intensity to your cardio routine. They often make a great addition to High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for their ability to accelerate your workout with efficiency.

If that was a lot of info for you, here’s a quick recap of the different types of Olympic plates and what will suit your situation best. If you’re planning to use your plates more as free weights or independent of a bar, the Tri-Grip plates will be your best option. These will also suit those with a minimal home fitness setup or less space, as they can be moved around easier and allow for more convenient storage. Storage options include weight plate trees, toaster racks, as well as integrated gym stations which can be purchased separately or in a gym package along with your plates. Black series bumper plates are a great option for those wanting to accelerate their weightlifting, while competition bumper plates will offer the absolute highest quality experience for serious lifters.

Olympic and standard are the two main categories of weight plate, and have important technical differences that make them suitable to different users. An important distinction between the two is their compatibility with certain bars. Olympic and standard weight plates will have different size centre holes through which bars are fitted. Standard weight plates are designed for a 25mm standard bar, while Olympic plates are designed for a 50mm Olympic bar. This means that you’ll have to use corresponding bars depending on which plates you’re using.

Along with the Olympic plates themselves, the accompanying barbell is designed to meet competition standards, designed to carry a heavier load and support rotational bar movements. Most competition barbells will be made with carbon steel, with the exception of the SPARTAN205 and ZEUS100, which are made with highly durable Chrome Molybdenum Steel and Sring-Tempered Stainless Steel, respectively. There are also different coatings, including chrome, black oxide and hard chrome, which offer different types of protection, grip-strength and feel. Manufacturers will also usually produce separate size bars for male and female lifters, proportional to average shoulder width between men and women.

Buying yourself some Olympic weight plates will ensure you’re using the best equipment and getting the most out of your weight training. They are one of the most effective tools at your disposal for accelerating your strength training, muscle growth and improved stamina. It’s important to find something that personalised to your needs, and there are definitely a few options to consider.

Speak to our friendly team members today and we’ll be able to help you on your fitness journey.